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All About Me!

Living my best life for 50+ years!


Dana Croy

Welcome to my story. After blogging for many years as Feng Shui Mama, I've shifted from being "momcentric" to "womancentric". I'll aways be (and blog about being) a mom, but the time is now to share my authentic voice about my authentic life. Get ready to talk about spirituality, books, home, restaurants, health, wellness, family, gardening, marriage, friendship and so much more. And, yes, I'll be talking about my work as a business consultant to women working in the field of reclaiming and consciousness and my obsession with cosy books! Read more about me below.

“She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.”

J.D. Salinger

Dana with Moon at Women's Retreat 2016 (1).jpg

Magic is Afoot!

  • I am a native Tennessean (6th generation!)

  • My husband and I have been together for 25 years. He is my biggest cheerleader, best friend and a frequent annoyance all at once. In other words, the perfect partner.

  • My children hold my heart. Noah and Arwyn (yes, like Lord of the Rings) are amazing humans and I am blessed to see these two beings evolve.

  • My heroes are my parents, my in-laws, several family members and a handful of AMAZING teachers from my high school - 2 especially that were the first "Wild Women" in my life.

  • I am an avid reader and have been reading mysteries, mainly British murder msyteries, since I picked up my first Agath Christie book in 6th grade.

  • I grew up on PBS which means I was introduced to the world of Sherlock Holmes at a young age.

  • In the mid-90's, I was introduced to  the world of women's spirituality. It was a blessed time in my life full of teachings, teachers, good friends and connection. I have participated in and facilitated many women's spiritual circles the last 25 years.

  • I became a Reiki Master in 2002 and use Reiki in my everyday life.

  • For 3 years I worked for Nashville's oldest metaphysical store - Magical Journey. I consider this one of the best times of my life. I now find myself once again in that space and work contractually for Cosmic Connections, a 25+ year old store on 8th Avenue South, Nashville.

  • I have had a rich but exhausting volunteer life. I served on the board of a private school for two years, on the board of the Families with Children from China for 4 years (2 of which as President), and was the fundraising mom for Nashville's oldest Boy Scout Troop for several years. Currently I act as volunteer marketing and media advisor for SOWN Global (formerly Caring for China's Orphans, a Nashville based non-profit.

  • The most important book on my bookshelf is Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I should say "books" as I have the original and the new anniversary edition.

  • I love to cook and can often be found in the kitchen. My current cooking obsessions are recipes from mystery books I have read and exploring the Southern cuisines I grew up with. (yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition.)

  • I am one of those weird people who hates hiking, loves being in nature, hates hiking.

  • Each year I cannot wait to begin playing Christmas music!!!!!

  • I don't have a big circle of close of friends but those in that circle mean the world to me.

My World In Quotes

“The Goddess is Alive. Magic is afoot.”

— Zsuzsanna Budapest

"Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair." - Annelle, Steel Magnolias

"If you can't say anything nice about anybody, come sit by me."

-Claree, Steel Magnolias

“For all the Gods are one God,” she said to me then, as she had said many times before, and as I have said to my own novices many times, and as every priestess who comes after me will say again, “and all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and there is only one Initiator. And to every man his own truth, and the God within.” -from The Mysts of Avalon

"It's always complicated with you." -Jack Robinson

Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries

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