One of the Three Sisters: Slow Cooked Green Beans
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Blogging Since 2008
My stories from the beginning.
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Check back for blog posts. I am working on importing 15 years of blog posts from another site to this one!
There is a romanticized notion that every Southerner sat on their grandmother’s front porch and broke beans.
From Mesoamerica to Potluck: Summer Squash Casserole
My easy peasy squash casserole plus answering the question of how a Mesoamerican vegetable became part of the Southern food landscape!
Collards: A Bitter Delight
I do not like vinegar with my collards. What about you? Follow along with my collards recipe and the journey of collards to the South.
Mama's Peach Cobbler: Chinese Origins and Ties to Segregation - The Story of Peaches
How a Chinese fruit came across the Silk Road and became a Southern staple.
The Arduous Journey of Okra from Africa to the Southern Table
Okra, an iconic Southern dish. It's presence on the Southern table is one of the hardest journeys to be part of our food story.
Practical Magic Never Fails Me!
A little Sally Owens wisdom on this New Moon!
Who Knew Thomas Jefferson Loved Macaroni and Cheese?
The story of macaroni and cheese!
International Pancake Day, What?
Every year I think I'll add International Pancake Day to the calendar and every year I am blindsided by this day of goodness.
Bring Back Sunday Dinner
Today I celebrate a huge dream of mine that has been missing from my own life for so many years: Ready? It's Sunday Dinner!
Midlife Crisis Gone Right
Do you wake up one day wondering how the hell you got there? One day you are 21 getting ready to go have a beer and hear your fave band....
The Removal of Confederate Statues: Let's Talk Nathan Bedford Forrest
I'll begin by telling you about my personal history with Confederate statues and the Civil War. If I do not, you may make assumptions...
I Have Met the Enemy
Last week we were driving home from the beach. Arwyn and her cousin were talking in the back and Noah was reading breaking news to us...
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