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11 week challenge: week #6 Bathroom roundup

This week the #2 Sickness Star visited our house. Again. I'll talk about that in another post. Needless to say, blogging has been low on my priority list. So, I've compiled a list of some of my favorite blog posts from around the internet about getting our bathrooms in order, complete with pictures. 

When you are looking at any organization in your home, I know you want to look at form first. Is it cute? Does it look like a designer installed it or does it look like a well-done Pinterest page? Keep that ideal. Really, hang on to that. But form does not matter if you have thrown function out the window. When I was going through the hundreds of Pinterest pages for the bathroom I saw some amazing pages and some things that left me scratching my head. Why? Because the system is not sustainable and will sooner rather than later drive the home-owner mad.  It has to be easy. It has to be easy for you to grab the Motrin at 2am when your kid wakes up with a fever. It has to be easy when you realize halfway through your shower that you are out of soap. It has to be easy to put away your beauty items or else you will live them all over the counter. So, make it cute, but remember, cute can only carry you so far.

You will notice I really do not include counter-top organization in this post. Years and years ago, I kept all of my daily items on my countertop on a cute mirrored tray. It made sense for me to be able to easily grab what I needed each day. The problem with this is everything stayed dirty. The tray stayed dirty, the acrylic organizers stayed dirty. They were constantly getting covered in hairspray overflow and face powder. Maybe it was just me. I don't know, but I am a big fan of keeping our bathroom items behind closed doors. Now, let's see some fun pictures!

The first is from Kelly Nan, a lifestyle blogger from Georgia and she blogs about a bathroom closet makeover that will make your heart sing.  She uses a door organizer for bottles and medicines and open top organizers for items such as hairdryers. You will rarely find any recommendation from me using an organizer with a lid. Save yourself the trouble. Lidded bins for everyday items do not work. Most of us will not take the time to take the lid off to get the item back to its home. Trust me on this. Kelly Nan has more photos and gives some great tips on getting that bathroom closet organized.

This image is from Kim at O is for Organize. Kim uses a drawer system under her bathroom sink to organize beauty supplies, hair accessories, etc. Again, no lids. Drawer systems are easy and can work. She picked up these bins at Bed, Bath and Beyond, but I have seen these items in other stores.

Another linen closet using open top baskets can be found at First Home Love Life. Notice the plastic organizer for medicines on the middle right. In our old home, I used a system like this and it works very well. I opted for a different system in this house but I love these organizers for anything in the bathroom closet! But, label the drawers ladies. You know what is in there but the hubbies and kiddos need to know as well. 

Kelly, over at Smart School House, uses something I have used for years in all of our bathroom drawers. Kitchen drawer organizers! These work wonders and we all have one. Check this out and make your life easy and they are great for easy cleaning.

The photo below uses bins that are literally a dollar from the Dollar Tree and I use these as well in our garage. This is a great way to organize a small space. What do you think? This image is compliments I Heart Organizing, which is always a great place to go for tips on the home.

This article from Babble is its own roundup of sorts. Lots of different types of organizing including wall, under sink and some fun DIY. For those of you with limited bathroom spaces, you may need to go vertical to get organized. Hang shelves on the walls or baskets as they did in this post! 

Organizing can be rewarding and fun and a job well done. Send me some pics of your bathroom organizing project!

Peace out.



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