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It's All About
the Story.

Hi. I'm Dana Croy. I am storyteller at heart with a passion for telling my stories and helping you tell yours.

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The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories.
Mary Catherine Bateson, American Anthropologist

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We Have a Primal Need for Story.

​We have a primal need for story. Living in the 21st century has not altered that need.  In fact, as our world has expanded, that need may be even more important today than ever. My stories include those of food, family, and the life that I live.


But, the stories I tell are not only my own. If you are a female spiritual entrepreneur, I want to help you tell your story.

Through my retreats and workshops, I want to assist you in letting the world know about your gifts, your services and help you reach your ideal client. Specializing in supporting women in the wellness and consciousness fields (massage, Reiki, alternative therapies, tarot, visionary teachers, etc.), retreat leaders and more.

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Magically Mundane
Working Retreat

Join me for a one-day working retreat to align your transformational business with the digital world!

I have spent the last 10 years honing my skills, investing thousands of dollars in training, working with private clients who are running successful transformative businesses. While I cannot take on additional private clients, I can work with a circle of women in a retreat setting to assist each of them in overcoming the blocks to creating a successful business.


Cozy Up to
Mystery and Magic

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Looking for a little mystery and magic in your life? Then look no further!  Sign up for my newsletter for the updates and upcoming launch or follow me on IG @cozymysteryandmagic.

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