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11 week challenge: week #3 still in the kitchen

Here I am. In the home stretch. I'll be honest, I'm a little tired.  This kitchen has been dragged out due to a snow day, a kid home with an illness, MLK's birthday and a blessedly busy client schedule. In the midst of all of this I tackled a couple of other things like this junk drawer. I mean junk. This is the place where things in my kitchen are shoved when I do not have the time to deal with them or some other person leaves them on the counter. I was SO over this drawer and quite embarrassed for anyone, like my mother-in-law to look in there for anything.  So, I headed to the Dollar Tree, spent $4 on little organizers and got to work. I began by completely EMPTYING the drawer. 

How the HELL did all of that fit in there?

I went through each item and either discarded it, returned it to its home or held on to it to be integrated back into the drawer.  

Then, I worked out exactly how the organizers would fit (take measurements before you purchase!) and inserted them into the drawer.

The magic moment then arrived. I organized the items I held on to. Then, I took a photo and emailed it to the hubby and he sent me a text of a person weeping. He said, "this makes me SO happy". Yeah, baby. 

I read a quote recently that was something like, "it's not the big things in life that kill you, it's the messes". Truth. 

Find your messes, those things that clutter your world and impede your vision or weigh you down. Get rid of those: "I should's", "when I have times", "I might need it" ideas. I don't miss anything from that drawer that I discarded, I freed up time spent digging through the drawer and I have relieved another weight from my shoulders.

Now, take out your ruler, measure your junk drawer, head to the dollar store and get to organizing.

Peace out.



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