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An Egg in the hand...

Is there anything as lovely and as promising as freshly laid eggs? I am sure there is but this was a lovely promise for me yesterday. I want to tell you how I received the eggs and about my immense gratitude and I want to tell you what these eggs mean to me.

You probably remember that nearly a year ago I embarked on Elemental Space Clearing Certification with Denise Linn, renowned expert on sacred space and best-selling Hay House author. As part of the certification, I am required to offer 18 clearings (preferably with no charge, though if we are already in this field we are allowed to do so). Despite having been doing this work for nearly half of my life in some way or another, I decided to take the route of offering these services at no charge. Why? Why is this a requirement and why take this road and where am I now?

There was a time when spiritual training was lifelong or at least lasted a long time. There were apprenticeships and mentorships and while you may have been out there doing the work, there was study and intention. We now live in a fast paced world where people are receiving energetic attunements via the internet (I have released judgement on this one) and are declaring that they are a shaman based on having read a book. There are amazing things happening in the world and there are also those practicing without the knowledge to energetically hold their clients - many different modalities.

I once sat in a marketing class with a young woman who was dressed in a boho style and draped with jewelry and when we went around the circle and said what we hoped to gain from the class, she said she wanted to be a spiritual guru like Harv Eker teaching others to be spiritual gurus. What? That was her goal. To be a famous spiritual guru. (My secret wish for this girl was to achieve what she wanted but first to find a phenomenal teacher to show her the way along with a little humility.)

These things have lead me to where I am today. I have performed 10 clearings toward my certification. 1 of which I did accept a monetary payment for. The others, well, let's say those who received the clearings gave me other gifts. I have received dinner, lunch, a beautiful drawing by a 5 year old girl, lovely emails of thanks and yesterday, well, yesterday put me in an interesting place.

I teach a class called Step Out of Your Fear and Into Your Story. In this class one of the things I talk about is learning to accept payment for your services and stand in that worthiness and step out of poverty consciousness. I say that we no longer are paid in chickens and eggs. And then, yesterday, my client was so happy with the clearing, which she received at not charge, she quickly went to her hens and gathered a dozen eggs for me to take home to my family.

There was a shift that happened for me. It was a final step into this tradition and this work. There are 8 clearings remaining before I achieve certification. But, now, I feel I can return to accepting monetary payment as opposed to standing in the place of student only. This is not new work for me. I have been doing it for so many years. 

The gratitude I felt when receiving those eggs was immense and intense. We will enjoy those eggs as a family (well, I won't but my family will enjoy what I cook with them!). 

I am a big believer of what I call "going to the mountain". Truly receiving our spiritual training and becoming as adept as we can through long study before going out into the world to declare we are experts. I am not an expert. I have SO much still to learn in this life. But, these eggs were symbolic to me that I have been reborn and am ready to go forth into the world to share this work.

Today, I sit in this gratitude and humility as I prepare to share what I do this weekend at the Galactic Expo in Nashville!  

I hope to see you there.


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