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A Circle of Manifestation

No stranger to the warm sacred circles found in women's spirituality, I found myself in the fall longing for the center of the spiral once again in my life. Upon asking my higher self and the Goddess for guidance, I was shown Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and knew that my study of this fantastic work needed to be done in sacredness with others.  I created a Facebook event, cast the net, and made the call to about 35 women who I thought might, just might, benefit from this study.  7 women answered and 8 weeks of Big Magic began with uncertainty and ended in a lovely night of honoring the return of the light in the world and within ourselves on the Winter Solstice.  As the women were leaving on the last night, several asked, "What's Next?"  Indeed.  What was next?

Monthly healing sessions?  Speakers?  Divination?  Another book study?  I didn't know. What I did know was that sacred circles were involved and then, one day, it hit me.  It was in the quiet of the kitchen when I was in the meditative state that the mundane task of washing dishes sometimes brings.  Manifestation.  A monthly manifestation circle. Big Magic.

Once again I created the event and sent out the call.  I knew some of last fall's participants would not come.  And, I knew their place in the circle would be filled by others.  The call, an honest and sincere invitation, looked like this:

Through my years of spiritual study I have found that my energy is amplified and working at its highest level when done in the supportive circle of like-minded women. While metaphysical reasons abound, the reality is that sharing our hopes, dreams and visions with others in a meaningful way helps us to stay on target in our lives while weathering the storms that sometimes threaten to derail us from our course. 

Over the next 12-months, you are invited to a monthly manifestation circle. Within the circle, you are welcome to share your own manifestation work - the successes and the failures - and will be supported along your journey to fulfill your personal work.

Each month we will share food and drink, work on a particular topic or challenge and create a visual reminder individual to each person's work. 

On months of an Equinox or Solstice, we will move the meeting to coordinate with those dates for a deeper work of manifestation.

Little did I know when I spoke of storms derailing us, that one of the largest snowstorms in many years was to hit Nashville the weekend of our first gathering.  No matter.  We successfully rescheduled and truthfully, I think it will be an even larger gathering than initially planned.  It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  It is also said that we often teach what we need to learn.  

I am both teacher and student and am open to the guidance from above and from the women who are preparing to step into the sacred circle.  

Watch for updates as we spiral through the year through the lens of manifestation. January's focus is visioning - creating your vision board as a visual representation of the goals you have set for the year.  


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