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Can we transform?

It's transformation Tuesday. I'm headed to get a lymphatic massage today. This year, I have been working hard to take care of myself. I feel amazingly lucky to be able to do some of the things I am doing and know that not everyone has this ability financially to experience this type of healing. What are other options? Take a walk, take an epsom salts and baking soda bath for about $3.00 (the cost of the salts and baking soda), lie in your bed with your eyes covered listening to meditation music on You Tube. Can we transform ourselves? For me, the answer is yes.

Last night I watched American Idol and one of the contestants had been hit by a car and was completely paralyzed from the waist down. After 18 months, he began to walk again. I have a friend with a similar experience. After being hit by a car then run over by the vehicle, he most likely should never walked out of the hospital. He did it and now skateboards and swims and is the single parent to two girls.

We can transform not only ourselves, but our businesses. We only have to have the courage and be open to hearing the message. I launched this business in October, 2015 and walking in my model was drag and drop websites for spiritual entrepreneurs - the visionaries, healers, psychics and teachers of the world. It has evolved into branding and social media, visioning and more! But, I could not let go my past of feng shui, organizing and space healing. I talk more about this in a recent post about hearing the call of my spirit. 

I have spent my entire life revisioning, improving, transforming myself and this business is not different. There are a lot of us out there who do not know what we want to be when we grow up and sure as hell are too afraid to put ourselves out there as our own brand! For many of us, we ease out by dipping our toes in the water with essential oils and other direct sale opportunities (I love these models, BTW, for the women who find success with them). But, for many of us, it simply isn't enough and doesn't feed our spirit or our call and we need to transform, to step out of fear, to listen to the silence in order to receive the message. (Speaking of stepping out of fear, I am rebooting my Step Out of Fear course later this month and I promise, you will not want to miss it.)

Yesterday, Stephen Hawking died. Talk about transformation. A genius who lost the ability to move his limbs and gifted us with some of the most transformative thinking in regards to the Universe of our time. I'll be honest, I know little about him, but what I do know is his transformation led to a legacy and I will sharing some of my favorite quotes from him this week via my Instagram and FB pages and right here on the blog.

So, transform sister. Transform, brother and LIVE.YOUR.BEST.LIFE.


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