Well, I thought I would update where we are!!!
First, we are waiting for the US Consolate to grant us an appointment prior to leaving China. So, a few prayers in that direction would be great!!!!
I am busily getting us ready to go. Today, I am cleaning the den and putting it back together after the plumbing work we had a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday, Nathan did some deep cleaning on that front as well.
Tomorrow...committee work for school and on to Yankee Candle.
Wednesday and Friday will be spent painting Arwyn's room. Yes, I know we leave in a week.
Saturday we'll just be cleaning and doing laundry and getting ready to go.
Sunday Nathan's family is coming over to see us.
And Monday will be serious packing mode getting us ready to leave Tuesday or Wednesday, not sure which!
Anyhoo....it is all good and we will be ready.
We'll post in China, so stay tuned for more updates. As you can see, right now I can do more than create simple sentences!!!!