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Hello from sunny orla ndo

I am sitting in the Orlando airport waiting for our plane to depart. We are looking at at 2.5 hour delay, which is allowing me time to do something I had hoped to do when I get home, but felt like I may be too tired. Blog!

It isn't lost on me that only several years of dreaming, plannning, pushing, prodding plus lots of pain has brought my family and I to this place. This is our third trip in 2018, which feels both wonderful and excessive to me. 2019 will be dialed back down as we are planning 2 big trips in 2020.

Today is New Year's Day and while I am abnormally calm and not rushed (I cannot be as I am at the mercy of Sun Coast Airlines) I am thinking of this new year and what it holds. Every day holds promise, but it is never so promising than this beginning of a new calendar year.

My focuses this year are more intentional manifestation, daily meditation, healthy living with daily exercise, turning our home into our own resort and retreat, family family family, my husband and our relationship, crafting, and my best biz year yet truly serving my clients and added to that intentional community service. Whew!

More to come on all of these as January unfolds.

Happy new year. I would love to hear your intentions for 2019 here or on my FB or Insta pages.

Wishing you peace and love,



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