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Stepping into the Fae

From a journal posting on September 16, 2016

If you have seen my vision board on my FB page or blog, you will see a huge component of self-care including yoga, healing, travel (yes, this is self-care) and retreat. This weekend I said, "yes" to it all and stepped off the cliff and into the void at the first Wise Woman Full Moon Retreat in Nashville.  

The invitation came months ago and I siad, "no". My thought process was that I was launching my own reatreat and could not attend someone else's and I had a potential speaking engagement on the table. I mean, really, I only have so many hours in my day. As the wheel of the year turned and life became fuller and a little more chaotic, my well began to empty and no matter what I did, I could not seem to refill. 

Four weeks ago I sat down at my computer and emailed my friend - the retreat facilitator - and asked "Is there room for me?" She said yes. I immediately began to second guess myself. Road block after road block presented itself and mirrored to me the things that I so desperately needed to clear.

Despite it all I continued to say "yes", prepped my family, moved heaven and earth, loaded the car, packed my basket of items to take from class to class and hit the road. Here I sit, alone at a beautiful retreat center outside of the city during a break and my only task is to fill my well and for that, I am grateful. I think of few times in the last 20 years that someone else held my energy, took care of me and nourished me (think delicious vegan meals all weekend).

I await the unfoldment.

(Below are my altar supplies that I sat up outside my tent on the first day - the dry day. Abalone shell, sage, circle of women candle holder, Angel Radiance candle, rose quartz heart and my smudge fan all in an African fair trade basket.)


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